God is for our community, and you can help make a difference! Our Bags by the Bumper Food Drive is dedicated to helping provide food and assistance to our community. Simply fill a bag with non-perishable food items or family care items and leave the bag by the bumper of your vehicle when you come to church, the first Sunday of every month. Our WeCare Team will collect them and distribute to families at our drive thru food pick-up on Saturdays 10am - 12pm.
Here is a list of the items we are currently collecting.
- Canned Vegetables, Soups, Fruit, Meat, Ravioli, Chili, Tomato Sauce/Paste
- Beans (canned or dry)
- Peanut Butter + Jelly
- Pasta Noodles, Ramen Noodle Meals, Macaroni & Cheese, Rice
- Cereal, Oatmeal, Pancake Mix, Pancake Syrup
- Rice, Corn Muffin Mix
- Boxed or Canned Potatoes
Family Care
- Diapers (Sizes N-6), Baby Wipes, Formula
- Bar Soap, Body Wash, Shampoo/Conditioner
- Disposable Razors, Shaving Cream
- Feminine Products
- Toothpaste/Toothbrush
- Deodorant
Paper Products + Cleaning Supplies
- Toilet Paper
- Paper Towels
- Dish Soap
- Laundry Detergent
- Cleaning Products