Ladies Coffee Group

Martes | 10:30 AM

Join us in the Rock Express Coffee Shop off the main lobby to meet with women to experience "How to Increase Your Influence" sessions and read/discuss the book, "Where to Focus When Life's a Blur" by Cheryl Biehl.

I have been part of COTR since 1985 and served in many capacities. I currently coordinate the Greeter, Section Communities, Cards & Notes Ministries and lead in Celebrate Recovery. Small group is time to learn, grow, and get to know one another on a deeper level as we experience what God has for us in each session. I am expecting some breakthroughs, new ideas, relationships, and great insights coming through this small group. Come learn and grow with us!

Lugar de reunión del grupo
Rock Cafe Express
Main Level
Main Campus
900 Birdie Hills Rd
Saint Peters, 63376-3821