Crecer juntos

Martes | 18:30

Member of COTR since 1994. Involved in parking lot ministry since about 1996. Retired from 40 years of teaching high school science in 2021-currently teach one on-line course at UMSL called how to teach science. Became a believer as a child of 7 and God has never failed me. My husband of 52+ years, Duane, and I grew up together in same church, high school, and graduated from the same university.
I have found out that when God calls you-He equips you; if you are obedient-He gives you favor with people; sometimes life is hard-but God knows and cares and will get you through the hard.
Looking forward to another semester hosting an online small group, We will meet using Zoom, on Tuesdays from 6:30 -7:30. If you are free on Tuesdays, like on-line, and want to learn together "How to Increase Your Influnce"--choose our group.

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