This Month's Biblical Theme: Jesus Knows Us
The message that God knows us is reinforced over and over again in the Bible. Jesus told
a group of His followers not to worry because God knows what they need. Jesus knew
the heart of the woman who anointed His feet with oil and loved her deeply despite her
sin. Knowing Peter’s fear when they were walking on water together, Jesus rescued him.
Jesus wanted His disciples to know Him and see Him as their Rescuer just like God wants
us to know Him.

Peter’s Confession
Matthew 16:13–23
Brite Idea: Jesus wants us to know Him.
Jesus asked His disciples who they believed He was. Peter replied, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jesus praised Peter and said, "On this rock, I'll build my church." This meant Jesus was the promised Rescuer. He warned He'd suffer and die but rise again. Peter objected, not understanding Jesus' true mission: to save everyone from sin, not just become an earthly king. Jesus reassured the disciples that His suffering was part of God's plan for redemption.
Very few people understood who Jesus really was and what He came to do, even though God had promised since the beginning that the Messiah was coming. God loves people and wants each of us to have a relationship with Him. He loved us so much He sent His one and only Son to be our Rescuer. Each of us has to decide, like Peter did, that we believe He is the Christ—the Son of the living God.